Boyle’s Law in the Movie “Men of Honor”

I do not watch many movies and the ones I do see tend to be older. Over the Christmas holiday, I watched the movie “Men of Honor” and I noticed that Boyle’s law was mentioned. Here is the Boyle’s law quote from the movie:

Boyle’s Law describes the behavior of gases under varying amounts of atmospheric pressure. It states that if a diver holds his breath at one hundred feet, continues holding while rising to ten feet, then the gases in his lungs increase four times. Now why is this important to a diver? Forget to exhale on the way up, and your lungs explode.

I heard the quote and I did a quick calculation in my head. It seemed like this statement was not quite correct.

After the movie, I did a more serious calculation. Figure 1 shows my work. My answer was that the lung volume will increase by a factor of three, not four. I know I am being picky, but it seems like the movie folks could get a a little detail like this correct.

Figure 1: Boyle's Law Calculations.

Figure 1: Boyle’s Law Calculations.

Curious Chemical Engineer

Many thanks to the Curious ChemEng for looking at my work. I could not believe the movie got this wrong and I asked him to check me. He also suggested a plausible way they got the wrong answer.

About mathscinotes

I am an engineer who encounters interesting math and science problems almost every day. I am not talking about BIG math here. These are everyday problems where a little bit of math really goes a long way. I thought I would write some of them down and see if others also found them interesting.
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3 Responses to Boyle’s Law in the Movie “Men of Honor”

  1. CC says:

    At least the explanation in the movie was within the realm of reality, even if the details weren’t quite right. It’s not as if they tried to claim that explosions in space make a sound, or something similarly impossible.

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